Fashioned in Confidence Featuring Diedre Anthony

It’s been a while, but I’m back again with my Fashioned in Confidence Friday and this time I’m featuring a fellow counselor bae, mom of three, wife of a farmer, and lifestyle blogger, Diedre Anthony. I reached out to Diedre because her social media presence exudes confidence! She does so much and I’m not quite sure how she manages to do it all and still share helpful content for mommies and more specifically, mommies of multiracial children. I asked her to talk a little about what life has been like since the quarantine and what has helped her continue to feel confident in herself as she fulfills multiple roles. After all, her gorgeous girls are watching her every move and I believe she is setting a great example of how one should carry themselves with a full plate. Check out what she had to say!

Diedre Anthony

The pandemic has made me realize the things that are truly important. As a woman in today's society, we are inundated with images of beauty. We are marketed to every time we turn on the t.v. or log into a social media app. It's easy to get swept up into always wanting more.  I've been guilty of always wanting more even though my closet was full. This mandated stay-at-home time has made me realize that having a closet full of clothes means nothing if your basic needs aren't met---emotional and physical. It's been a great time of renewal for me and my family. 

It's also easy to feel down when I'm not able to get out and be social (needs for this full-on extrovert). Sometimes getting dressed, putting on a little blush, and lip gloss makes me feel like myself again, even if I'm just going to pick up a few gallons of milk for my kids.  

Confidence to me means that it transcends your situation. Confidence shouldn't rely on your job, abilities, or the state of the economy. It's being sure of who you are from the inside out. Confidence means not being afraid to stand up for what you believe in.

You can visit Diedre’s blog, “Are Those Your Kids” at